


Logistics plays a central role in the operation of cross-border websites. As the enterprise spreads to new markets, the online retailer must keep track of inventory and deliveries at multiple locations and across devices. The ability to ensure sufficient inventory and prompt deliveries is key to an enterprise’s success. New...


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines and objects that are assigned unique identifiers as well as the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT now enables owners of a "smart home" to remotely...


Some online industries are defined as high risk because they offer subscription-based products or services, future fulfillment, cyclical sales, payments conducted in many currencies and countries, or high traffic volumes. These sectors characteristically suffer from high chargeback ratios, inflated fraud rates, and money laundering, causing many banks, service providers and...


Future-fulfillment refers to transactions that are paid for in advance of use. Often they are also high-ticket, meaning that they are costly. This phenomenon is widespread in the travel services and hospitality industries, where users sometimes book flights and hotel reservations months in advance. The future-fulfillment model is considered high...


Frictionless checkout refers to a checkout process that is easy and undemanding. One of the ways to increase conversions is to ensure that the checkout process on your website is as smooth, transparent and fast as possible. You can facilitate checkout by ensuring that the form the purchaser must fill...


Payment fraud takes place when fraudulent transactions are performed with a payment card. The attack may occur as a result of an account takeover, or through the use of a counterfeit card bearing the customer's account number. Hackers are become increasingly sophisticated, as are their attack methods. Effective fraud detection...


Many online enterprises are seeking to expand to foreign markets, but they are deterred by the initial investment. Often they lack the funds to develop logistics, inventory, marketing and other processes required for a global business. Today, many small online businesses are joining the e-commerce marketplace business model, which enables...


Many payment processors experience downtimes, which is when their systems are not working. In practice, downtimes mean that your transactions cannot be processed and your customer’s credit card is rejected through no fault of their own. Not only do you lose revenue, but your potential purchaser has invested time and...


When expanding to global markets, merchants often encounter rising processing costs, lower conversion volumes and high fraud rates. Payment processors that were affordable and effective in your native market may be showing poor performances in new locations. Local taxes and regulations of which you were previously unaware may be cutting...


Credit card declines can have considerable negative impact on an online business. Credit cards may be declined for several reasons aside from the obvious one of insufficient funds. Sometimes the decline may be caused by a simple mistake - the card holder may have keyed in the wrong card number...