

Happy Holidays for Retailers and Customers

Holidays are the best times to arouse interest in your products, lure in purchasers, and make special offers. But why wait for major holidays to attract customers? Here are several upcoming holidays that intrepid retailers can use to attract new customers and reconnect with return buyers: August 26 - National...

Will Cryptocurrencies Replace Conventional Currencies?

Techopedia defines cryptocurrency as a type of digital currency that uses cryptography for security and anti-counterfeiting measures. Public and private keys are often used to transfer cryptocurrency between individuals.  As opposed to fiat currency, cryptocurrency is not connected to governments or central banks. Using a ledger system, cryptocurrency transactions are...

Are You Ready for the Final Stage of PSD2?

PSD2 in a nutshell PSD2 (Revised Payment Service Directive) is a directive issued by the European Commission in order to fortify customer rights, facilitate competition in banking, and increase Internet payment safety via SCA (Strong Customer Authentication). The original European payment services directive came into force in 2007. The PSD2...