

Off-to-college Sales Tips for Online Retailers

While off-to-college shoppers may prefer to procrastinate and leave their purchases to the last minute, online retailers need to prepare strategy and sales campaigns months in advance. As back-to-school is the second largest shopping event of the year after the holidays, it pays to have your offerings in place in...


Investopedia defines contactless payments as a secure method for consumers to purchase products or services via debit, credit or smartcards (also known as chip cards), by using RFID technology or near-field communication (NFC). When making a contactless payment, the user taps their card near a point-of-sale terminal.   This type of payment...

Is Facebook about to Change the Face of Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies have certain advantages, such as decentralization and anonymity, but also present several risks including unpredictable fluctuations, shifting demand, and possible links to terrorist funding and money laundering. Facebook recently announced plans to create its own cryptocurrency within WhatsApp, a type of stablecoin. Stablecoins are pegged to major international currencies,...

A Guide To Global Holidays And Gift-giving

Holidays seasons all over the world are prime times for gift giving and present the perfect opportunity to boost revenues and develop brand loyalty. Our  new e-book  provides a guide to holidays worldwide, the gift recipients, and the most popular types of presents given on each occasion. Read A Guide to...

Key Tips on How to Target Your Audiences

In a highly competitive e-commerce market, you need to accurately define your target audiences and understand where and how to engage them. Our new e-book provides a comprehensive guide to e-commerce by generations. How and where should you address each segment? What are your customers' shopping habits, which are their...


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which was enacted in May 2018, is a legal framework that standardizes the collection, processing and storage of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union (EU). GDPR applies to any company that markets products or services to EU residents, regardless of where it is...

The Huge Potential of Latin American E-commerce

While recent research indicates that e-commerce in Latin America is small when compared to the US and Asian markets, there is amazing potential for growth. By 2022, global revenue for online sales in LATAM is predicted to reach $94 billion. The expected boom is mainly due to greater Internet connectivity,...


Blockgeek defines cryptocurrency as a digital currency built with cryptographic protocols that make transactions secure and difficult to fake. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government control or regulations.  Thus, transfers can be made with low processing fees through the use of public and private keys for security...

Battling Payment Fraud in 2019

The battle against payment fraud is never ending. It evolves constantly, with hackers creating increasingly sophisticated ways to breach data systems and steal identities. In 2018, malware and ransomware constituted major threats, followed by social engineering attacks and phishing attempts. Online and mobile transactions are particularly vulnerable to breaches, and...


A merchant account enables businesses to process online credit and debit payments. Your payment gateway or payment platform deposits the funds aggregated from  credit card sales in that account. Based on your agreement with the payment processor, the funds are automatically transferred from your merchant account into your business bank...