

How to Hit the Online Sales Motherlode on Singles Day

Singles Day mindsets - a mixed bag Singles Day (November 11), which was first started by Chinese college students in the 1990s, is the antithesis of Valentine’s Day. It is a day dedicated to the celebration of singledom. Some singles have developed various rituals to mark the day including gifting...

Start the Countdown for Your 2019/2020 Holiday Season Campaign

Yes, it’s still hot and sticky in many places, but it’s already time to start planning your marketing strategy for the 2019/2020 winter holiday season. How can you plan an e-commerce campaign that will make you stand out and attract both new and veteran shoppers to your brand?  Review last...

Happy Holidays for Retailers and Customers

Holidays are the best times to arouse interest in your products, lure in purchasers, and make special offers. But why wait for major holidays to attract customers? Here are several upcoming holidays that intrepid retailers can use to attract new customers and reconnect with return buyers: August 26 - National...

A Guide To Global Holidays And Gift-giving

Holidays seasons all over the world are prime times for gift giving and present the perfect opportunity to boost revenues and develop brand loyalty. Our  new e-book  provides a guide to holidays worldwide, the gift recipients, and the most popular types of presents given on each occasion. Read A Guide to...

It’s Almost Spring – E-commerce Opportunities

While the huge sales of the winter holiday season are long gone, spring promotions have considerable potential. Think of your customers as emerging from a long period of hibernation and piles of snow. Flowers are just starting to bloom, the weather is finally improving and people are actually leaving their...