

Your Guide to Basic Terms in the Payments Industry

The payments industry is extremely dynamic, with new types of payments evolving constantly. In order to determine which payment methods are best for your enterprise, you must first understand basic industry business models. In our previous post, we provided an introduction to key terms in the banking industry. This time,...

How to Hit the Online Sales Motherlode on Singles Day

Singles Day mindsets - a mixed bag Singles Day (November 11), which was first started by Chinese college students in the 1990s, is the antithesis of Valentine’s Day. It is a day dedicated to the celebration of singledom. Some singles have developed various rituals to mark the day including gifting...

Will Cryptocurrencies Replace Conventional Currencies?

Techopedia defines cryptocurrency as a type of digital currency that uses cryptography for security and anti-counterfeiting measures. Public and private keys are often used to transfer cryptocurrency between individuals.  As opposed to fiat currency, cryptocurrency is not connected to governments or central banks. Using a ledger system, cryptocurrency transactions are...

Is Facebook about to Change the Face of Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies have certain advantages, such as decentralization and anonymity, but also present several risks including unpredictable fluctuations, shifting demand, and possible links to terrorist funding and money laundering. Facebook recently announced plans to create its own cryptocurrency within WhatsApp, a type of stablecoin. Stablecoins are pegged to major international currencies,...

Key Tips on How to Target Your Audiences

In a highly competitive e-commerce market, you need to accurately define your target audiences and understand where and how to engage them. Our new e-book provides a comprehensive guide to e-commerce by generations. How and where should you address each segment? What are your customers' shopping habits, which are their...

The Huge Potential of Latin American E-commerce

While recent research indicates that e-commerce in Latin America is small when compared to the US and Asian markets, there is amazing potential for growth. By 2022, global revenue for online sales in LATAM is predicted to reach $94 billion. The expected boom is mainly due to greater Internet connectivity,...

Battling Payment Fraud in 2019

The battle against payment fraud is never ending. It evolves constantly, with hackers creating increasingly sophisticated ways to breach data systems and steal identities. In 2018, malware and ransomware constituted major threats, followed by social engineering attacks and phishing attempts. Online and mobile transactions are particularly vulnerable to breaches, and...

The Unique Appeal of Asian E-commerce Markets

The Asian e-commerce market is booming, and it is projected to grow to $1.6t by 2021. China’s online sales are expected to increase annually by 16.1% to $1.122t in 2021.South Korea’s e-commerce sales are predicted to rise by 11.9% annually to $50.7b in 2021. India is also an important market...

How to Succeed in the High-risk Travel Industry

The travel industry is constantly expanding and evolving. However, in an industry defined as high risk, merchants face many challenges from high fraud levels and chargebacks to low acceptance rates and future fufillment models. As a travel service provider's business scales to global markets, so the risks increase. How can...

Your Global Guide to Payment Preferences

When scaling to global markets, payments have a huge impact on sales. Foreign customers prefer local payment methods and may abandon their shopping carts when they encounter unfamiliar online payment options. There are hundreds of localized payments methods all over the world and keeping track of them is no simple...